Friday, September 30, 2022
Happily Ever After by Kara O'Neal
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
You Won't Believe Who I Met
I'm filling in for Beth Trissel.
I have a friend who’s a namedropper. She’s a lot of fun and she’s quite nice, so I just smile and try to look impressed. She’s had a very interesting career, or really two careers, and in her retirement she volunteers, so she’s had many opportunities to rub elbows with the famous. Her stories are peppered with the local movers and shakers, local celebrities, and politicians (even a former president, but I didn’t vote for him so I wasn’t really impressed). I wonder sometimes if the people she mentions knowing even realize she considers them acquaintances.In the town where I live, the local arts community holds an annual Gallery Night. All the art galleries in the city have open houses, most with wine and light refreshments. People travel from place to place socializing, eating, drinking, and purchasing. A family friend of mine talked me into going to Gallery Night with her one year. She bragged about knowing a specific artist who was well known in the area. She considered him a friend of hers and her recently deceased husband’s and thought the artist would be so pleased to see her. When we arrived at that particular gallery, my friend bounced up to him and greeted him effusively. He looked at her without any sign of recognition, curled his lip, and turned around to continue his conversation with an obviously wealthy woman who was considering a purchase. My friend was hurt and humiliated. Absolutely mortified. I made light of it and rushed her along. It did seem to me that this stranger could have at least been polite.
One of my friends is a locally famous jazz singer, who’s name I will not reveal because, well, it would make me a terrible hypocrite. I do get amused watching her fans react to her the way they do. She came to my church to perform a couple of years ago and I was also amused to see the reactions of various congregational members who saw that we were obviously really friends. One couple had always been a bit snobbish to me, but they were very friendly the next Sunday. When I met her, it was because she was temping at the placed I worked, so I didn’t actually see her perform until we were friends.
What is it that makes us act so oddly around those who have acquired more than their 15 minutes of fame? Are they really so different from us? And those women who are so sure that if they could just meet their crush, he would be squiring them down the red carpet within a year. Does it make us seem like we’ve somehow accomplished something by knowing these people? Most people are good at something. And we all have jobs at some time during our lifetime. It just happens that some people are teachers, some people are letter carriers, and some people are famous actors, etc.
That said, I’m sure that there are some people who would cause me to have my own fan girl moment. Of course, I won’t tell you exactly who. I just can’t abide name dropping.
Monday, September 26, 2022
Bad Jokes by Laura Hunsaker
I love bad jokes. Like the kind you groan after hearing. You know, stuff like "Do you think the ocean is salty because the beach never waves back?" Those sort of dad jokes, if you will. I also think I'm the only person in my whole family who likes those groaners. Well, obviously I'm like the best mom ever, and since we've already established that I'm super funny, I of course continue to force my humor upon share my sense of whimsy with my children.
So I played a funny joke on my kids.
One day, the milk went bad. I made sure to let the kids know. See? I'm so helpful!
I thought it was funny, anyway. I grabbed a fresh gallon after work and I was kind enough to let the kids know that the milk was good. Again, me being helpful.
Apparently my kiddos didn't appreciate my jokes, but that's all right. It brings me joy to be this goofy and I don't mind that they don't think I'm funny. Hopefully one day they'll look back fondly, and maybe even use my corny jokes amazing material with their own children.
I don't write Rom Coms, but I do try to have my sense of humor show through in my books, even the Romantic Suspense books. Hopefully the jokes are better than the ones I use in my household.
However, I do write under the pen name Kenzie MacLir for paranormal hockey romance...and I'd like to think those are successfully fun and funny. There may even be a fart joke in there (I regret nothing! It's a hockey locker room, people!). So while my Romantic Suspense may have some fun moments, it's the Hockey Romance that really allows my frivolity to shine! Donut eating contests, Nerf gun battles, swear jars, I think you'll really enjoy it!
And if you're up to the challenge, drop your best (or worst!) dad joke in the comments!
Bryce Emerson only agreed to draw an account of the Empires Goalie Tryouts to humor his brother. But when a vision convinces him the woman who saved his prized pen from a snowy grave is in danger of being injured by a faulty mask, he takes it upon himself to make her a new one.
Goaltender Carly Fein is trying out for the New York Empires, and the last thing she needs is the complication of an artist. But when she agrees to let him make her a new mask, Bryce Emerson finds his way under her skin.
Can Bryce and Carly figure out what happens when they’re caught in the crossfire of love and hockey? Or will the stress of new love and competition drive them apart.
Crashing the Net by Isabo Kelly
Billionaire Connor Evans needs a challenge. Trying out for the New York Empires’ hockey team fits the bill, even if it is just a publicity stunt and a way to shut his twin brother up. Running into the woman who left him six years earlier, a woman he’s never gotten over, is not part of the plan. Once he sees Matty, though, Connor knows he can’t let her go again. But he’s got secrets he can’t risk sharing. And Matty is the one person who could uncover those secrets if he lets her get too close.
After traveling the world, Matilda Thomson is ready for a real job and a more stable life. Her internship with the New York Empires will give her the experience she needs to move into that future. But first, she has to face Connor again, and one of the most painful losses she’s ever experienced. The only way she can move forward is to confront her feelings and risk her heart one more time.
Heat and passion spark as hot as ever between them. But trust doesn’t come easy. And if Connor can’t open up and let Matty in this time, he’ll lose her forever.
Against the Boards by Kenzie MacLir
Kyle Sandberg is living his best life. He’s one of the top hockey players in the world. Has two amazing best friends and all the sarcastic hockey t-shirts he could wear. After his own family turns their backs on him, he’s happy playing for the Empires and hanging out with his own found family. What he doesn’t want is his pain in the ass twin brother back in his life or a mate.
When paramedic Faith Church left Puerto Rico for New York, she had zero intentions of getting involved in the local pack. Having had her fill of pack politics, she was ready to go lone wolf. But being left alone was too much to ask when her cousin was the Alpha’s mate.
What neither was counting on was Fate, having her own plans for them. A chance encounter at a traffic accident changes everything. Kyle and his wolf are willing to go with Fate’s plans. But Faith, having finally broken away from her pack’s expectations wants nothing to do with Fate, or Kyle. Too bad her wolf disagrees…
Friday, September 23, 2022
by Judy Ann Davis
Magical September waltzed in with her cooler temperatures and autumn splendor.
But now, it’s time to watch September spin the last of its magic as it blows a farewell kiss to us in less than a week. The hummingbirds have disappeared. Crows gather in noisy flocks. Geese honk farewell as they wing their way south.
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Hans - Pixabay |
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JIMaro Morales - Pixabay |
Do you have a favorite sign of the autumn season? Share it with others in the comments below. And watch out for those falling acorns!
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Welcome to My Crazy Wonderful Life
Hello, I am Zerry Greenwood, and I write Historical Romances based in the Idaho territory.
I am a lighthearted, simple woman, and my writing reflects those attributes. I was born and raised in the Rocky Mountains of Idaho, and I love my state. I hope you will not only fall in love with my heroes but my state as well.
I started writing only after the death of my mother, whose unpublished manuscripts gave her back to me in her written words. I decided to give that same gift to my seven children and many grandchildren.

My mother and I had so much in common: looks, faith, writing, fertility. Well, except she named her children, Jerry, Terry, Sherry, Merry, Kerry, Cherry, Perry, Zerry, and Berry, and I gave my children normal names.
Enough about me.

We have been married 38 years, and in that time, I have fallen madly in love with him six times. Not the, gosh I love my husband love, the OMG I cannot believe I am so lucky to have this man, head-over-heels, ga ga love. We have 7 beautiful children. Five hardworking sons and two drop-dead gorgeous girls.
We raised and homeschooled them on the same cow ranch my husband was raised on.

The ranch has been a haven to raise children. No, it
is not one long-running romance. It is hardships and struggles, long days and
short nights, hard work and hard play, new life, and pain-filled deaths.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022
Moments and Memories and Stories by Liz Flaherty #SmartGirlsReadRomance
Friday, September 16, 2022
September Is For Lovers by Joan Reeves #SmartGirlsReadRomance
By the way, in case you wonder about people who end up with their first love. I read a statistic that said 97% of people who married their first love think they will be with them until they die.
My grandparents met when they were children. This was in the late 1890's. Weird, I know.
(In case you're wondering, his sister Nancy never married. She lived with my grandparents until her death. I found out before my mom died that Nancy Jane had loved a young man, but he had died. She never loved again.)
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Burning down the house by Cathy Shouse
I’d been telling our son for years that he could have a puppy “some day.” One summer day when he was eight and our daughter was two, we were visiting my cousin. She had just adopted a puppy for her kids. Murphy was a Beagle mix, and there were other puppies in his litter that still needed homes, she told me.
Overcome by the cuteness overload of Murphy, I seriously considered checking out the rest of his litter. But when I told my dad, a dog lover, he was against the idea. We had a dog when I was growing up but we lived on a farm. Dad thought having a dog in town would be a mistake.
My husband and I went with the kids and picked out Lucky and brought him home anyway. It was one of the few times I had overruled my dad. My cousin and I and our four kids between us thought it was the coolest thing ever that our dogs were brothers. Our husbands were on board too. We would let the kids and puppies play in the yard together. She and I discussed endlessly whether our puppies greeted each other in any special way since they were related, just as we were all related.
One day as the weather was turning colder, Dad came to our house and dropped off a doggie electric blanket for Lucky. He lived outside in a kennel surrounded by a tall fence, in a doghouse shaped like an igloo. Dad also attached material to the opening of the dogloo to keep the wind out. I was so grateful for the help, especially since Dad had been opposed to our getting Lucky!
One morning I’d been up late with our daughter, woke up early, and peered out the back window at the dog kennel. Where the dogloo had set, there was a small pile of ashes. I was nearly hysterical, and glad the kids were still asleep. How could such a wonderful idea turn into such tragedy? As my husband and I went out to look for our puppy among the ashes, I wondered how much therapy it would take for our kids to get over knowing their new, sweet puppy had burned to death in the backyard. :(
But we couldn’t find any remains. A couple of hours later, Lucky came trotting in from the field behind our house, unharmed. He must have chewed that heating blanket, which created a spark and started a fire. Our tiny dog had been so scared, he’d figured out how to scale the fence of his kennel.
I called Dad, a man of few words, and told him what had happened. He said, “Well, I wondered about that.”
To follow my adventures, and to check out my upcoming novel scheduled to release Oct. 4, 2022, Her Billionaire Cowboy’s Second Chance: A Galloway Sons Farm Novel (A Fair Creek Romance, Book 1), go to where you will receive a free novella for subscribing to my newsletter.
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Wisdom Quotes by Bea Tifton
“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls, the most massive characters are seared with scars.” Kahlil Gibran
“Decide who you must be, then do what you must do.“ Epictetus
“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” Buddah
“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” Thich Nhat Hanh
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” Lucille Ball
“First principle: never to let one’s self be beaten down by person or by events.” Marie Curie
“Once I
learned to be like me more than others did, then I didn’t have to worry about
being the funniest or the most popular or the prettiest. I was the best me and
I only ever tried to be that. “
Issa Rae
“If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are an excellent leader.” Dolly Parton
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Great Reads Bookathon by Liz Flaherty
Calling all readers! Have you read all your beach reads over the summer and
looking for new books to dive into this month? We’re celebrating books from all
genres at N. N. Light’s Book Heaven’s fourth annual Fall Into These Great Reads
Bookathon. 30 books featured plus a chance to win a $75 Amazon gift card.
I’m thrilled to be a part of this event. My book, Life's Too Short for White Walls,
Bookmark this event and tell your friends:
Monday, September 5, 2022
The Dog Days of Summer and a New Puppy- Sherri Easley
Fifteen years ago, I went to Canton Trade days and bought two puppies. One for me, and the other for my daughter. Before you scold me, understand that I lived in a very rural area and we had no shelters. All I can say to this is to repeat Maya Angelou’s quote of “Do the best you can do until you know better, then do better.”
I let my daughter choose, and she chose the little black one
and named him Mister, leaving me with the white one- I named Bandit.
Mister was some pup, eating a sim card, a set of hearing aids, and sugar free gum which ended up in an emergency trip to the vet to have his stomach pumped. He also tore up carpet and ate several door frames. For the nine years before she had children, he was my daughter’s baby, dressing up for Halloween and going on adventures.
I called Mister my Grand dogger because my daughter was in college, and he lived with me almost as much as he lived with her. Sometimes I traveled 200 miles round trip to meet my daughter to get him so he could come home with me.
Bandit lived in the country with me. He was quiet and
reserved and didn’t live the glamourous life of Mister, but I am not sure his
personality would have been right for that. He loved Mister, and it was like
cousins visiting when they were together.
Both were sweet babies that brought an enormous amount of
joy into our lives.
Initially, I wasn’t sure I wanted another pet. I have two cats, Button and Bobbin and my ten-year-old Shih tzu, Pekingese mix, Snooki. I did not realize how much I had been working to clean up after Bandit in his last days and life was easier, not constantly wiping up puddles, but Snooki seemed to be depressed.
I began the process of finding a dog to adopt. There are so many pets out there, it is heartbreaking. I sent seven applications to rescues and heard from two, with both dogs already taken. I started looking every day at Petfinder, sorting by recent adds and found a couple of candidates. I was second in line for one pup and if it came to me, I would hear on Tuesday and was invited to go meet another at Petsmart. Then, my friend had referred me to a rescue, and a potential pup came up with that one too.
By this point, I was going to get zero pups or three, and I
didn’t know which.
I went to Petsmart and immediately fell in love with Zeke and
was chosen as his new mom. I was so happy after looking for over a month, I
could have cried.
I am pretty sure these will be the last pets I get, unless I
adopt a senior pet. It is such a hard decision, but my life would be so lonesome
without them.