Author Interview with Gemma Dufranse
K: I am thrilled to interview self-published erotic romance author, Gemma Dufranse. Welcome, Gemma!
G: Thanks for having me, Kimmie. You’re my very first interview! And what better place than Smart Girls Read Romance!
K: Sweet! A newbie! Let’s jump right in, good with you?
G: That’s how I like to work. Let’s do it!
K: Yes, so I’ve heard *grins*! It’s kind of a cliché, but what inspired you to write your first book?
G: I’ve always wanted to write. Storytelling is my passion, but it wasn’t until last year that I decided to buckle down and get out my first novella: Tinsel, Tidings, and Temptations. I think being surrounded by fellow writers giving it their all inspired me to jump in with both feet.
K: It’s funny how we thrive on the motivation of others. Do you have a specific writing style?
G: I write steamy stories. I like to be uninhibited and write whatever flows. I don’t like to let others hinder my writing style by what they might think.
K: Do you think that’s rare in authors today?
G: Unfortunately, I think it weighs on authors greatly what others might think, whether it’s their friends, family, or readers. I know it weighs on me. When I say I don’t like to let it hinder me, doesn’t mean I’m immune. I just struggle to write through the scrutiny.
K: Agreed, on all accounts. Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
G: Authenticity. I’ve read some erotica where I sit back and go, there’s no way that would really happen! I never want that to happen to me as an author. Some things might be hard to believe, but not impossible.
K: I’ve read a few of those also, and not just in the erotic genre. That’s a challenge we should all be facing in our writing. Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?
G: Spellcheck is flawed.
K: *snort* Short and to the point! What book are you reading now?
G: I’m reading My Confession by DeLaine Roberts. I am so in love with the passion she has for her characters. My Confession on Amazon
G: I write steamy stories. I like to be uninhibited and write whatever flows. I don’t like to let others hinder my writing style by what they might think.
K: Do you think that’s rare in authors today?
G: Unfortunately, I think it weighs on authors greatly what others might think, whether it’s their friends, family, or readers. I know it weighs on me. When I say I don’t like to let it hinder me, doesn’t mean I’m immune. I just struggle to write through the scrutiny.
K: Agreed, on all accounts. Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
G: Authenticity. I’ve read some erotica where I sit back and go, there’s no way that would really happen! I never want that to happen to me as an author. Some things might be hard to believe, but not impossible.
K: I’ve read a few of those also, and not just in the erotic genre. That’s a challenge we should all be facing in our writing. Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?
G: Spellcheck is flawed.
K: *snort* Short and to the point! What book are you reading now?
G: I’m reading My Confession by DeLaine Roberts. I am so in love with the passion she has for her characters. My Confession on Amazon

K: You and DeLaine have another connection as well, right?
G: Yes, she’s also my cover designer. I can’t say enough positive things about working with her on Tinsel, Tidings, and Temptations. And the feedback I’ve gotten on the cover is priceless.
K: It is most definitely a hot cover. What are your current projects?
G: Oh, there’s so much going on! This year is going to be a big one. I’m looking to release a few novellas this year in various box sets with some amazing ladies; Abbie St Claire, Geri Foster, Vatonia Boone, DeLaine Roberts, and of course, yourself. The particular project we’ll be working on together is going to be ground breaking.
*Links to the above authors*
Kimmie Easley
K: Yes, I’ve never been a part of anything like it and it’s going to be good! That brings me to another question. Have you ever hated something you wrote?
G: Pretty much everything up until last year.
K: I guess we won’t be seeing any of your early stuff. Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.
G: The people I surround myself with in the writing world. There are many talented men and women out there looking to give back to new authors like myself. Some I may never even meet in person, social media is very instrumental in the literary world. I’ve been very fortunate to make some amazing lifelong friends.
K: I’ve experienced the same thing. It’s a whole new world! Do you have any advice for other writers?
G: Go for it! Don’t wait. Don’t let others hold you back. Don’t write to the market. Don’t lose yourself.
K: Words to live by. Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
G: I can’t thank you enough. Every kind word, every constructive criticism, every review, there aren’t enough words to say how much you are appreciated. Read on, loves! Xoxo
K: Thank you so much for joining us, Gemma. It’s been a real honor, and we’re looking forward to great stuff in 2014.
G: Thank you for having me. I’m a little awestruck! I’ll never forget my first interview!
K: Yes, I’ve never been a part of anything like it and it’s going to be good! That brings me to another question. Have you ever hated something you wrote?
G: Pretty much everything up until last year.
K: I guess we won’t be seeing any of your early stuff. Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.
G: The people I surround myself with in the writing world. There are many talented men and women out there looking to give back to new authors like myself. Some I may never even meet in person, social media is very instrumental in the literary world. I’ve been very fortunate to make some amazing lifelong friends.
K: I’ve experienced the same thing. It’s a whole new world! Do you have any advice for other writers?
G: Go for it! Don’t wait. Don’t let others hold you back. Don’t write to the market. Don’t lose yourself.
K: Words to live by. Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
G: I can’t thank you enough. Every kind word, every constructive criticism, every review, there aren’t enough words to say how much you are appreciated. Read on, loves! Xoxo
K: Thank you so much for joining us, Gemma. It’s been a real honor, and we’re looking forward to great stuff in 2014.
G: Thank you for having me. I’m a little awestruck! I’ll never forget my first interview!
Buy Tinsel, Tidings, and Temptations: on Amazon on Barnes and Noble
Gemma Dufranse: on Twitter
Gemma Dufranse: on Facebook
Gemma Dufranse: on Goodreads
Author Bio: Erotica writer, completing my 'Tramps' series. My novella Tinsel, Tidings, and Temptations is available in Kindle and Nook! I also like the color red. Louisiana